How to end vaping in your school

FREE live 30-minute webinar for QLD school leaders and teachers to eliminate vaping in your school.

Monday 12th August at 12.00pm (AEST) | Logo for Zoom

A photo of a few people sitting outside on benches in front of a school, with one of them on their phone and using a vape.

Tackling the Vaping Crisis: Free Webinar for Educators

Are you a school leader or teacher concerned about the growing vaping crisis among students?

The rise of vaping among school children is alarming, impacting their health and growth in ways we can’t ignore.

This webinar will give you the tools to reduce vaping among your students and protect their health. Without action, we risk a generation facing severe health crises early in life.

A photo from behind someone who is vaping and exhaling a cloud.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Why vaping appeals so strongly to Australian youth.
  • How vaping products are specifically marketed to young people.
  • Five major obstacles schools face in addressing the vaping issue.
  • Five steps to prevent vaping in your students.
  • Free access to a toolkit used by hundreds of schools across Australia.

1 in 3 high school students have experimented with vaping

Principals around Australia tell us that student vaping leads to:


of missed school hours


increase in school expulsions

Artwork of a stack of dollar notes

It costs schools $5-10 per vape to correctly dispose of confiscated vapes.

Artwork of a spooled fire hydrant

Fire Services are unnecessarily called out to schools due to smoke detectors going off when students vape.

Artwork of the male and female characters for toilets

Closure of bathrooms to keep students from vaping during school hours.

How to end vaping in your school

Free live 30 minute webinar | Logo for Zoom

This webinar is aimed at helping teachers, principals, and school leaders understand how they can help reduce vaping among students.

Monday 12th August at 12.00pm (AEST)

Register now
A photo of a few people sitting outside on benches in front of a school, with one of them on their phone and using a vape.

Presented By

A picture of James

Dr. James Durl

  • Research officer and Lead workshop facilitator of Blurred Minds

  • More than 5 years delivering alcohol, vaping and drug education to schools

  • Multiple award-winning research spanning virtual reality and youth service design

Founded By

A/Prof. Timo Dietrich

  • Director and co-founder of Blurred Minds
  • Over 10 years of experience in the alcohol, tobacco and drug education space
  • Award-winning behaviour change expert & co-inventor of the Co-create – Build – Engage (CBE™) framework
  • Senior Fellow at National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, University of Queensland

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