Engaging & Empowering Alcohol & Drug Education Workshops

The workshops we offer provide comprehensive coverage of a variety of topics, making sure the content is relevant to each participating school. Our team of behaviour change experts will work with your teachers directly in order to customise these sessions according to your school and student specific needs.

Student workshops

We can run any of the workshops online. Interested to make a booking? Click here.

A presenter doing a presentation in front of students

Vaping and health

1-hour session

Years 7-12

100 students or more

This workshop is focussed on addressing the latest evidence on vaping and health:

  • Explores reasons for vaping and its popularity
  • Summarises latest evidence on the known health risks of vaping on the human body and brain
  • Dispels myths around the health benefits and harm reduction of vapes
  • Discusses reasons for use and alternative coping strategies

Students will walk away with an improved understanding of the adverse health effects of vapes and an increased capability to refuse vape related offers.

Timo presenting a slide on a projector screen

Vaping deception

1-hour session

Years 7-12

100 students or more

This workshop presents strategies used by big tobacco as well as current laws surrounding vaping and tobacco:

  • The origin and evolution of the vape industry
  • Uncover big tobacco tactics and persuasion strategies
  • How influencer marketing is used by vaping brands
  • Showcases laws for vapes and vape related behaviours

Students will walk away with more critical thoughts about how vapes are promoted and a better understanding of current vaping laws.

A number of students playing an activity outside

Empowering change

(alcohol, vaping, and cannabis)

2-hour session

Years 7-12

100 students or more

This workshop features highly engaging content to teach your students about alcohol, vapes and cannabis as well as other drugs.

  • Understand marketing tactics used to promote legal (and illegal) drugs
  • Introduce drug categorisations, and ways to understand drugs adverse impacts
  • Explore strategies and diversions to avoid and resist peer pressure
  • Identify pathways of support and how to get help

Students will walk away with more critical thoughts about alcohol, cannabis and vaping as well as strategies on how to avoid or delay using these substances.

Students sitting on the floor watching a Blurred Minds presentation

Vaping and the environment

1-hour session

Years 7-12

100 students or more

This workshop is focussed on the growing impact of vapes on the environment:

  • Explores different types of vapes, how they work and what they are made of
  • Discusses usage in Australia and the amount of vape waste that is being produced
  • Discusses recycling and disposing of vapes
  • Introduces effects of vape waste on our biodiversity and human health

Students will walk away with more critical thoughts about the environmental repercussions of vaping and an understanding of how difficult it is to recycle these devices.

A number of students experiencing virtual reality at school

Virtual reality house party

1-hour session

Years 7-12

Up to 40 students

This activity features our cutting-edge Virtual Reality equipment (‘Oculus Quest 2’) for your school to help increase your students’ resilience and reduce their peer pressure susceptibility to substances such as alcohol, vaping and cannabis. This learning-by-doing approach combines the innovation of Virtual Reality with leading psychology and marketing, stepping students through real-world scenarios. This activity is available for 40 students at a time, as an add-on to any type of workshop booking.

Community workshops

Two young people vaping

Empowering parents in the vaping conversation

1-hour, includes Q&A

Online or in-person

This webinar/workshop is focused on empowering parents to have conversations around vaping:

  • Understand today’s vaping culture & peer influences

  • Equip yourself with strategies on how to start a conversation with your teen

  • Recognise the health and environmental risks associated with vaping

  • Gain tips and strategies for preventing vaping among young people

Parents will walk away with clear takeaways on what they can do to help build safer environments for their teens.

An array of vaping pods

How to end vaping in your school

1-hour, includes Q&A

Online or in-person

This webinar/workshop is focused on empowering school leaders and teachers to tackle vaping:

  • Learn about how vape products are marketed to young people
  • Recognise the health and environmental risks associated with vaping
  • Gain tips and strategies for preventing vaping among your students
  • Learn how you can support young people who have started vaping
  • Forge a path to a safer and informed school environment

School leaders and teachers will walk away with clear takeaways on what they can do to help build safer and informed schools.

Looking for a tailored workshop?

We tailor each workshop delivery to suit your specific students’ needs. Get in touch with us to customise a specific workshop for your school.

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